CRIF Egypt (D&B) offers a unique spectrum of professional services tailored to sophisticated business needs. Research and advisory services aims at providing strategic insights to clients on their next move, new opportunities, and areas of performance improvement.

Business People 30 400

Strategy & Planning Advisory

In an ever-changing and fiercely competitive economy, constant change is a prevailing factor. To ensure suitability and prosperity, organizations must effectively allocate and employ resources, making continuous planning and strategizing an essential requirement. Strategic planning is directed towards evaluating new programs/projects, expanding existing business operations, or discontinuing current ventures.

Market & Industry Research

Data is essential for both exploring new possibilities and evaluating the efficacy of policies. The availability of accurate data enhances the likelihood of making informed choices. It is widely recognized that data becomes most valuable when transformed into meaningful insights, which is precisely what CRIF D&B excels at.

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Operations & Performance Improvement

Government institutions enhance their efforts by implementing programs that must be carefully planned to align with overarching strategic objectives. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze the perspectives, feedback, and aspirations of stakeholders, as well as market trends, and integrate these findings into the organization's strategy in order to develop the most efficient program that fulfills its initial intent.

SME Development Advisory

Feasibility studies are the most effective way to evaluate and make the best decision, whether it involves expanding into new markets or segments, starting a new venture, or introducing a new product line. CRIF D&B possesses an extensive business database filled with valuable information, enabling thorough market research.

Business People 25 400