Social Responsibility Report

2023 report available now

"We promote the financial inclusion of consumers by facilitating access to credit and actively support our clients, businesses, financial players and organizations in the sustainable transition process through our information assets, which enable us to build advanced models that forecast physical and environmental transition risks, in accordance with European ESG policies.”

Carlo Gherardi - CEO

Read this and much more:

Sustainability Report Crif2023 En Web
Sustainability 1

CRIF Worlwide: group identity

CRIF’s core values and the principles that guide its history and actions, its international memberships, and its organizational structure that supports customers together to the next level, with a specific focus on management of the COVID-19 emergency.

Ecosystem of partners, suppliers, and customers

For CRIF, collaboration with stakeholders translates into guaranteeing high standards of security and professionalism, as well as ESG, apps, and services to support customers, such as Mister Credit, starting from listening to business needs and the customer experience.

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Commitment to the CRIF community

The role of people is essential within CRIF, and it is the contribution they make every day that underlies its success. That is why there is a female empowerment program, support for diversity and inclusion, training on remote working, and many other initiatives for the welfare of the company population.

Commitment to the community

CRIF provides a real contribution to charitable activities and to raising awareness of non-profit organizations in Italy and around the world, such as ANT and AMREF. In addition, it supports cultural and educational initiatives in collaboration with the University of Bologna, such as the Master’s in Quantitative Risk Management and the Faccio Tesoro financial education program.

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Commitment to the environment

There have been many initiatives to reduce CRIF’s environmental impact, the first being the installation of solar panels at the 3 sites in Bologna, as well as paper recycling, and in-house energy-saving campaigns.